Sea Level Predictor is a Python-based project that utilizes historical data and predictive modeling techniques to forecast future sea levels.
Libraries: pandas, matplotlib, scipy
Implementation: Multiple Linear Regression
This Python-based project offers insights into trends and patterns in webpage traffic over time.
Libraries: pandas, matplotlib, seaborn
Implemetation: Preprocesses the time series data, converts timestamps, and handles missing values to create visualizations.
The US Crime project, conducted in R, focuses on examining crime data across the United States to discern underlying patterns and relationships within the uscrime dataset.
Libraries: R(base), stats
Implemetation: Principal Component Analysis
By analyzing factors such as calorie intake and macronutrient distribution, this Python project aims to create a balanced and cost-efficient meal plan to enhance soldiers' performance and well-being in challenging environments.
Libraries: pulp, pandas, numpy
Implemetation: Optimization through Linear Programming
Python-based initiative aimed at exploring and visualizing medical data for insightful analysis.
Libraries: numpy, seaborn, matplotlib
Implemetation: Through the creation of histograms, scatter plots, and heatmaps, it visualizes key aspects of medical data.